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Since our last name is Smith, I have this new thing of collecting the letter “S” so today when I went to the craft warehouse in medford and spotted a wooden “S” for $1.49 I knew instantly I had a project coming!  This is a super easy one and saves time from painting wooden letters like a lot of people do.
Supplies needed:
wooden letter(s)
fabric of choice
mod podge (i used gloss finish)
clear sealer (i used deco art triple thick)
paint brush
flip your letter over and place on your fabric, trace as close to the letter as possible so you don’t have any access (you want it to lay over perfectly) you can also choose to paint your letter first i just left it the original wood color
flip your letter back over and lay the new shape on top to make sure its a good fit, (sorry i didn’t get this next part on film, but…) take your fabric off the letter set it aside and paint one thin coat of mod podge onto your wooden letter, then take that fabric and lay it on again til its a great fit and the letter is covered with the fabric.. smooth it out, you don’t want bubbles!!  Next take the brush and paint on another layer of mod podge just enough to coat it and let it set for a bit to dry (i think i waited like 30min and read a magazine)
After it has dried or at least isn’t tacky feeling, take your sealer and just give it a quick spray all over to give it a great lock in.. if you choose you can wait at least overnight and come back to it with some sand paper (or a nail file haha) and just rough up the edges… viola here is your little letter to place where you like =)