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>holiday rest.

>taking a well needed computer break til next year! (a week from now) see you then =)

>focus on xmas..


Parties, songs, beribboned gifts,
Silver bells that tinkle..
Christmas trees and ornaments,
Colorful lights that twinkle!

>i will miss you..


you were dryer then usual..
which was confusing because i like to wear boots when you are here and somedays it was too warm.
you took away something from me (29) and gave me something new in return (30)
 but i will exchange it next year for a new one as well .. (31?) i hope.
you brought family and friends together, along with good food
you also motivated me to cozify my home
and to remember that cuddling is always appropiate not matter the temperature outside..
you will be missed until next year.. but i hope your friend december is just as good.

>gobble gobble


>every gray cloud has a silver lining


Everyone kept talking about how they couldn’t wait for snow,
well when an Oregon weatherman (or lady) tells me what the weather is like here..
 i usually don’t believe them. 
I was pretty surprised to wake up to just a light dusting of white
I love how the things i see everyday when I look out my front door,
window or backyard look completely different.. almost magical and quiet.
I stopped long enough to enjoy it and take a photo and even though I was totally running late the snow made me just breath for a moment, take it all in and enjoy the small things like these.

>in my own backyard


I see my garden everyday, and it constantly changes.  Its sorta cute to think that when I’m at work, or when I’m asleep the garden is growing.  Just like people it needs to be photographed so that its’ not just a forgotten memory. 
 I enjoy watching you grow =)



Most call it a day off, I call it a good time.

>{project: words}


Every Tuesday I ask my facebook fan page followers to tell me one word. just one.
Something that is a feeling, a color, a description, a place.. really anything..
I then try to capture what I see when I hear those words..
This week: (in the order the photos appear)
Magic (the ladder is balancing on one leg haha)

>timeless to me.


Old things are more beautiful
than many things brand new
Because they bring fond memories
of things we used to do.
Old photographs in albums,
love letters tied with lace
Recapture those old feelings
that new ones can’t replace.
Baby shoes, a Teddy bear,
a ring that grandma wore,
Are treasures waiting there behind
a door marked “Nevermore”.
Old things are more beautiful,
more precious day-by-day.
Because they are the flowers
we planted yesterday.
{clay harrison}

>lets go for a drive…


Tuesday afternoon, a mission to medford 1hr. to get there and get back.
Of course while taking a few snapshots along the way.


Being alone isn’t so bad as long as you like your own company  – Byron Pulsifer

>dose of goodness


 I have created some complimentary media images for you to use. These make great desktop wallpapers (just right click & save image or set as background) All the images are of photographs I have taken, and the quotes are things I have heard or just randomly made up. I will try to keep this updated as often as possible. Thanks for supporting House of James!

>my new sanctuary


How fair is a garden amid the trials and passions of existence. ~Benjamin Disraeli


>Preparing to launch the new blog.. please be patient =)
Follow me on facebook for latest news and photos until then!
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